Here's an idea

I'm cutting to the chase today.

Here's the problem, cube monkeys (above) are out there griping about 2% raise and petrified for their job. Meanwhile, the working hands that build this country, aren’t even getting a 2% raise but demand is only going up aka getting screwed. 

Let’s fix this, let's unite. 

Here’s how we do this…2 parts

  1. Fill out the form below (takes maybe 20 seconds)

  2. Get access to see all the rates out there

Don't worry, it’ll be completely anonymous. Only reason you need to put your email is so you can access the doc to see everyone.

Oh I need you to share the shit out of this, FB, IG, even the Tok. Tag me and I’ll send stickers and a hat for FREE.

Any questions-reach me HERE

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