Side Gig Chronicles p.2 Dropshipping Tiktok Products

Yep, that pretty much sums it up

This is a real rabbit hole I’ve gone down and I find myself NOT wanting to go further. BUT, I decided to sack up and move forward… for you.

So here have been the pain points that I have ran in to the past 2 weeks.

Pain point #1: Product Selection

I’ve changed my mind about 4 times. Iits definitely the hardest part of this whole thing.

I paid for this stupid software called dropship spy. Supposedly, they give the heads up on what is trending and how you can capitilize. 

I call bullshit.

So I followed this video playbook that kind of got me in the ballpark of how to find one. He’s a somewhat trustworthy channel and we’ll see if it really works. 

Pain point #2: Not feeling like a P.O.S.

Yep. The whole process kind of feels…slimy? 

I am finding a product on aliexpress and trying to sell it in a sexy way that gets people to click the tik tok ad and click “Buy Now”

Now, to be fair, this happens in everyday life all the time without us knowing it. I do not know if this will work for sure and don’t think that it will.

HOWEVER, It is a challenge that I think I am willing to take. 

It's the ultimate entrepreneurial challenge that makes me want to see if I could make this work because all someone has to do is open up their amazon cart and type in the product and find out that I’m charging them a 50% markup and they’ll be getting it a week later than amazon could get it to them!

Paint Point #3: User Generated Content

The days of Shamwow infomercials are dead. In order to sell some gimmicky-product you have to show it in some iphone video that will make it appear authentic and make it feel…well… less gimmicky.

The way to do that is to make videos of the product myself. 

I chose a product that I can get my kids involved in and have a good time doing it. (We’ll see if they cooperate this week, the product is supposed to show up today or tomorrow)


Right now you're thinking “Ben, that’ll never work. People aren’t that stupid.”

I agree, but what I need to focus on is what's called copywriting. 

Copywriting, in terms I understand, is the art of manipulating through words. Yep, it happens everyday in everything we read. It's a true skill that is incredible to see once you know what it is.

I need to be able to use my copywriting on the website to truly pull someone in and make them feel like they “need” to hit that buy button. 

Conveying the problem (I am assuming they have) and giving them a solution is exactly the type of emotional string I need to pull at.


This week will be interesting as I pretty much have the website dialed in. I just need to put up the pictures of the actual product with some human interaction elements to humanize the site a little bit.

I have to be honest, I have had to set aside a few hours in the past week and felt like it was really hard for me to get motivated behind this.

Putting all the thoughts in this format though has gave me better understanding of what I am trying to accomplish so it should be interesting if this thing will make any money.

See ya next week!

-Ben “The Deputy” Bolin

IG: bbolinis1

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