Side gig Chronicles Dropshipping stuff

Side hustles are my addiction.

I am always doing something other than my job (don’t tell my boss). Making money while working a 9-5 is a way of cheating on your employer. They’re still getting you for most the day, but the side gig is something you can call on whenever your main gig ain’t cuttin it.

They don’t last forever, but while you're doing them they sure are fun. 

Dropshipping, though, is pretty out of my element. 

I pretty much have always made money by doing physical stuff i.e. Buying and selling college textbooks, pallet wood furniture, recycling pallets, etc.

This is all well and good, but it kills my most important asset…Time.

Dropshipping seems like a good side hustle cause it could potentially buy back time by just having to do the heavy lifting in the beginning and just keeping up with it.

That's the hope anyways…


The Hell is that? 

It's a somewhat new way to sell stuff. I’ll explain it in the way my dumb head can vision it.

Alright, let's pretend you own a store called "Depot of Home" (see what I did there?) and you want to sell cool stuff for your house like hammers, tape measures, and what not. 

But you don't want to have to pay to store all that stuff in a warehouse, then deal with shipping it out and all that jazz.

That's where drop shipping comes in!

Instead, you have a friend who has a giant warehouse. You just show them how cool the hammer is and how it can be used to keep crackheads away from your garage.

Then, they buy it. That's where the magic happens, you hit your boy up to ship the hammer out and they send the tracking info straight to the customer.

Simple right?

All you have to do is help people find the cool stuff, then make sure they are happy with what they get. Make sense?


Mainly, I’m curious as hell. I have read about it being somewhat scammy and is looked down about. BUT, on the flip side, people are backing up the BRINKS truck everyday (supposedly)  like it's going out of style. 

I’m taking you along with me week by week to see if this thing is a loser. Maybe you’ll find out you shouldn't spend a dime on this and refer to this whenever you start letting that greedy devil on your shoulder start whisperin to you how cool you would look in that new lambo. Could be a winner too, but there is only one way to find out.


TikTok. People eat it up by the pound and that's where the eyeballs are.

We wanna use this to our advantage and create ads on TikTok in order to get them to order whichever product we choose to make a whole website around.

I know what your thinkin, “I can’t make a website…I’m out!”

Stick with me because I can’t make one either, Shopify has made it pretty easy and I’m gonna be pretty much just copying other websites and putting it into my own. 

I’m treating the website like how I view my clothes for work: It doesn’t matter how it looks, I just need it to do its job.

So let's get in the mud and see if we can’t get this money printer runnin’


Alright now we gotta lay out the rules of the mission:

  1. Gotta do it for a month

  2. Have to document how much time I spend on it

  3. $1000 is what I'm willing to lose if this goes south.

  4. IF i make any profit, I’ll split it with you guys (more on that later)

Experience? Got none.

Training? Youtube is my go-to for like, everything.

Motivation? Read about it, but never had the cajones to go for it.

Checklist That I made: (Updated Weekly)

  • Create website through shopify

    • Cost: 3 months for $1/month (then $29/month)

  • Install DS’ers (Dropshipping app inside shopify)

    • Cost: FREE (for now)

  • Create Aliexpress account

    • Cost: FREE

  • Find dropshipping product to sell

  • Start creating shopify website to product chosen

    • Create legal docs at bottom of page

    • Buy domain for less than a $1

Work Passdown from 2/6-2/13

So the first week I spent about a total of 6.3 hours researching here and there about how to do this thing.

Turns out, it's pretty stressful.

There is so much information out in the world that I don’t want to waste any money on something that won’t make money. I already F**ked that up was an absolute waste of time. It was $39/month and I fell for the bait. They had me feelin’ like I’m gonna be the next Richie Rich. It had SOME value, but nowhere near what I thought it would be. 

As of today, Feb 13, I am struggling to find a product that will sell good enough for tik tok. I found a little discouragement in trying to avoid the land mines of stuff like cause their are a lot of predatory marketing out there.

Nonetheless, we move on to this week and my goals for this week are:

  1. Get product picked that hasn’t been oversaturated yet

  2. Dial in shopify website to start selling by the weekend

  3. Create Tik Tok ad account to start pouring money into it

So I'll have an update next monday and lets see if I can get this going by then

Real quick, IF I MAKE ANY PROFIT, I’m gonna be splitting it with you guys who follow along. More on that next week.

Got questions or suggestions? 

Shoot me a dm on IG: bbolin or email

-Ben “The Deputy” Bolin

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