🛠What Does Blue Collar Mean?

Howdy and welcome to another year. Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you with 10 ways to lose weight or how to create a budget-If you haven't figured out yet, I'm not Oprah. Want to be better? To me it's a simple question-what has been working for you and what hasn't-in with the good, out with the bad.

Now that we covered that, starting the year off with the basic. What does Blue Collar mean? I'd love to wild you with a crazy story it originated from, but the term literally came from trades wearing denim to conceal the grease and dirt after a long day's work. Where I'm going with this is Blue Collar today has become almost an offensive word in today's media, which absolutely blows my mind. Yes skilled trades sounds more polished but come on, there's not much we do that is polished, and dressing up a term to represent a term that fuels this country is nice but no thank you. I say we stick to our guns and be proud of where we came from and what we do. I want to hear from you on this one...shoot me a note here. Click here to send your thoughts.

-The Captain

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