Wait you spent how much

Going to get blue-collar dave ramsey on your ass this week. We’ve all done it, gas station grocery run…every single morning before work. Listen, it's bad enough at the pumps, now they are jacking up everything from Arizona ice tea to gobstoppers, and it's not a couple of cents either. Morning gas station runs are almost more dangerous than my wife saying sale…almost.

My sample research, aka going in to buy the dip, says the avg morning gas run has gone from $13 to $23 buckaroos. I saw a laborer drop $46 the other but he was in straight-up doomsday prep mode for the 12 hr 100 deg beatdown he was about to get. But come on guys…$25 bucks a day is around $500 a month, not a mortgage payment but I know we could all use keeping most of that in the pocket. Or at least for the beers on the drive home...

So your tip of the day, get your ass to the Walmart on the weekend-keep some of that hard-earned cash in your pocket.

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