10ft and 9 leaks later ...

Welp, holiday is over….think we can all agree it was much needed and earned. 

My 4th of July story goes back a few years to my wilder days. Being young, dumb, and living that plant life-I bought my first house with the shittest liver-shaped liner pool known to man. I don't think I even walked inside before I bought it, just walked straight to the backyard to see that sparkling, crystal clear water, and instantly started dreaming of the ragers to unfold on my days off.

I was sold-I signed the papers and just like that, 100x my debt in the blink of an eye. I was on cloud nine and didn't even realize it was 10 ft deep and had about 9 leaks in it (water bill was insane). It took up about 3/4 of the backyard, with no stairs, and was a borderline death trap.

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