Just Show Up

Construction hands come in all shapes and sizes, and that shouldn't be a newsflash to anyone that has eyes. Yea the 350 lb pipefitter might not be able to fit in that 24" manway and the 3' carpenter (below) may need a bigger ladder but that doesn't mean they can't get the job done. In fact, you only need 2 things in this industry to continue employment and put some coin in the piggy. Show up on time and work your ass off, and if you've got the second you can usually get away with the first. Oh and don't do drugs. I'm no dare officer but it'll catch up with you-guaranteed. So keep hammering, digging, or whatever it is that gets that piggy filled up. Hard workers are a dying breed, don't let us become extinct. Come on

-The Captain

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Goblet Inflation


Paying off the grind